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Deen Dayal Upadhayay Welfare Society is registered a! Gorakhpur as a Social voluntary organization registered under Societies Registration Act 21, 1860 & registration No. 809/2001-02. As mentioned above that although society was registered 04-02-2002 but it has been carrying out its activities for the last several years in rural urban areas of Division-Gorakhpur and Sant kabir Nagar. Society was established with basic aim of providing sociaL services to all community but particularly to women and youth so they may become self depend & stand on their own feet. Such social services include Education, Health, Nutrition, Road Safety Programme Family Welfare, and Development in Income generating programme, Consumer Awareness, Awareness in sanitation etc. The main aim of the Society to provide technical training to these SC/ST and Poor Class family mentioned above so they may become self- reliant.

Deen Dayal Upadhayay Welfare Society having it's registered under society registration Act, 21, 1860, having its registration no. 809/2001-02 from Gorakhpur U.P. in 04-02-2002 but a present time society is doing work at full time in Distt. Gorakhpur, Sant Kabir Nagar and Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh. Society has been carrying out its activities for the last several years in rural and urban areas of 0 isu. Gorakhpur, Sant Kabir Nagar and Muradabad but particularly to women and youth so they many became self depend and stand on their own feet and became aware for health, family welfare and transmitted disease such as social services includes, Education, Health Awareness in HIV/AIDs, Cancer, T.B. & Sanitation. Current activities of the society is providing health services in rural & areas such as awareness activities in truck drivers, wages, labour, commercial sex workers, street children, migrant labour, transport workers etc.

society is doing in other field as education for deprived children to education, scientific awareneS5 In rural people, awareness program for health and sanitation, computer education for minorities, awareness campaign for environment, Orphans and other related social works was completed in a very successful manner.In the last meeting of thc management committee, secretary of organization put up a proposal for establishing scheme for financial assistance to the activities in the field of Literacy broadly encompass from Uttar Pradesh Minorities financial and Development Corporation Ltd. U.P.

Experience & Certificate

  • 12A Certificate by Income Tax Commissioner, Gorakhpur
  • Income Tax Act 80(5)(VI) by Income Tax Commissioner Gorakhpur
  • Pan Card
  • Certificate of State Institute of Health & Family Welfare, U.P.
  • Shortlisted by minority affairs Gov. of India for leadership of minority womens

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